Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wheat and Disaster Kits

Hello Sisters! Sorry I have been slacking. There has been a lot going on, not that that is an excuse. This week will hopefully be full of posts, helping you to get your 3 months food storage in order. I know it sounds like A LOT of food (and work), but it can be done, and I have some ideas to help you.

However, today's post is just to let you know that Sister Tamara Steele has 87 bags of wheat from Sysco. The bags are 50 lbs each and $20 a bag. Please let her or myself know if you are interested. (Hopefully this was announced in Relief Society as well)

Also, the website Food Storage Made Easy has teamed up with Emergency Essentials and they are having a disaster kit GIVEAWAY and the Disaster Kits from Emergency Essentials are on sale. You can go check it out here. If you don't feel like you can purchase a disaster kit, then just check them out, make a list of items in the kit you like and make your own! Good Luck!

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