Monday, February 22, 2010

Three Month Food Supply

To kick off our three month food supply. Here are some key points from Food Storage Made Easy.

  • Make a list of foods you eat on a regular basis, and determine how much you would go through in three months.
  • Gradually purchase these foods in bulk as they go on sale (seeTheFoodStorageShopper.NET for some tips).
  • Combine sale prices with coupons for even more savings as you stock up
  • Use and rotate these foods in all your daily cooking.
  • Constantly replenish the stocks of these foods as they go on sale again.
  • Don’t forget to include non-food items in this step as well. Get a 3 month supply of NECESSITIES such as diapers, medications, toilet paper, toiletries, etc. For a great list and tracker, see our 3 month plan spreadsheet.
  • Benefits include: saving money by buying foods on sale and having foods you normally eat in times of economic or any other type of hardship.
If you go to their website (click here) they also have a downloadable spreadsheet to help you organize and shop for your three month food supply! I know it sounds like a lot, but if we really work at it we can accomplish it.

In the next few days I will also be blogging about some other ways to get your three month supply. It involves you and a group of friends getting together...what sounds more fun than that. Check back to see what it entails!

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