Monday, August 30, 2010

September Goal - Water Storage

We are starting over...mainly because I have been a slacker, but I am going to be better. September is going to be about Water Storage and getting as much water storage as we can.

For ideas on water storage please check my previous post and this blog for some great ideas on water storage. Now is the time to prepare.

Also, don't forget that Ridley's is having a case lot sale this month, and that we will be ordering as a ward from Walton's Feed as well as the church's warehouse. You need to have any order forms to Craig Lowham no later than September 18th.

Let's get prepared!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Case Lot Sale and Ward Canning Day

Just a reminder - Ridley's Case Lot Sale is next be prepared to stock up on your family's favorites.

We are having a ward canning day on Oct 9th @ the church. Please plan to come and help get everyone's food canned. If you already have flour, sugar, wheat, etc that needs to be canned (you can get it at the case lot sale) You can bring it! Just make sure you order extra cans.

The ward is also getting together to place an order to the church's food warehouse as well as Walton Feed. Information and order forms will be given out during church. Please make sure to fill them out and have them to Craig Lowham with your payment no later than September 18th!

To check out what products Walton Feed has to offer, click here.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Ridley's has strawberries on sale for $0.99. Anyone interested in learning how to make strawberry freezer jam, let me know. It is quick and easy! Just leave a comment if you are interested in making it and I will call you so we can get together!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I know that I have been a slacker in my postings, but I have a goal to be much better. I have added some extra links on the side that may be helpful in getting your food storage in gear. Also, I found this AMAZING blog called Prepared Not Scared, and she is seriously amazing. She has great ideas, recipes and handouts. I encourage you all to add her to your blog roll and read what she says. It will help you out immensely.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Case Lot Sale

Ridleys is having a case lot sale. Stock up on all your family favorites while you can.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Three Month Food Supply

To kick off our three month food supply. Here are some key points from Food Storage Made Easy.

  • Make a list of foods you eat on a regular basis, and determine how much you would go through in three months.
  • Gradually purchase these foods in bulk as they go on sale (seeTheFoodStorageShopper.NET for some tips).
  • Combine sale prices with coupons for even more savings as you stock up
  • Use and rotate these foods in all your daily cooking.
  • Constantly replenish the stocks of these foods as they go on sale again.
  • Don’t forget to include non-food items in this step as well. Get a 3 month supply of NECESSITIES such as diapers, medications, toilet paper, toiletries, etc. For a great list and tracker, see our 3 month plan spreadsheet.
  • Benefits include: saving money by buying foods on sale and having foods you normally eat in times of economic or any other type of hardship.
If you go to their website (click here) they also have a downloadable spreadsheet to help you organize and shop for your three month food supply! I know it sounds like a lot, but if we really work at it we can accomplish it.

In the next few days I will also be blogging about some other ways to get your three month supply. It involves you and a group of friends getting together...what sounds more fun than that. Check back to see what it entails!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wheat and Disaster Kits

Hello Sisters! Sorry I have been slacking. There has been a lot going on, not that that is an excuse. This week will hopefully be full of posts, helping you to get your 3 months food storage in order. I know it sounds like A LOT of food (and work), but it can be done, and I have some ideas to help you.

However, today's post is just to let you know that Sister Tamara Steele has 87 bags of wheat from Sysco. The bags are 50 lbs each and $20 a bag. Please let her or myself know if you are interested. (Hopefully this was announced in Relief Society as well)

Also, the website Food Storage Made Easy has teamed up with Emergency Essentials and they are having a disaster kit GIVEAWAY and the Disaster Kits from Emergency Essentials are on sale. You can go check it out here. If you don't feel like you can purchase a disaster kit, then just check them out, make a list of items in the kit you like and make your own! Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Organization and Water Storage Relief Society Meeting

I want to thank all the sisters that participated and came to the R.S. meeting last night. I loved the organization part and all the ideas that were given. I definitely needed it!

For those that were not able to make it or did not get a water storage handout I got the information from here, here and here. I also just found this other link for water purification that is excellent that you could print out and put in your binder. Click here to see.

There are a lot of great resources out there that we can gain information from. I hope you take the time to read the handout so you can not only get your water storage in order but prepared to handle any situation as it comes.

We also talked about food storage containers. For those of you are interested in the box for water storage please check it out here at Emergency Essentials. They also have other water storage options as well. Something I forgot to mention last night is that the boxes can also double for sanitation after you have used the water.

If you are interested in doing the binder. I know you all are :) Click here. Scroll down and click on the second item...the Emergency Preparedness plan. You can either just print out theirs or you can do the excel version and customize it to your needs.

Nylla Kunard also mentioned that she has some empty gallon OJ bottles that can be used for water storage as well as some 5 gallon buckets. If you are interested please contact her.

Some of you also expressed an interest in making your own HOMEMADE LAUNDRY SOAP. Here is a recipe that my friends and I have used in the past. It works great by itself and it is low sudsing. However, if you love the smell of a commercial brand such as Gain or Tide, you can add a small bottle of the detergent. I have also known people to add some Oxi-Clean for some super duty stain removing. You can also add essential oils to the detergent to get the smell you want. My friends usually double the recipe and make it in a 5 gallon bucket. Good Luck.

I hope I didn't leave anything out. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks again to everyone who came and participated. It was a great evening.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Still Looking for Storage???

If you are still looking for storage ACE Hardware has Gorilla Shelves on sale for $29. Click here to view. Go get them while you can!